Sketch Olfactory Epithelium and label all the cells, and their functions
Draw a pathway of neuronal input from the olfactory epithelium to the brain. (I drew this on the board) include cribiform plate, and include different areas of the brain involved
Sketch a taste bud and label all the cells within-detail the functions
Sketch they eye like figure 9-4
Sketch layers of the eye and KNOW THEM (refer to figure 9-12)
You didn’t have to for the practical 1, but you will for the quiz, practical 2, and final practical
Sketch a pathway of light going through the different structures of the eye and recall detraction of light!
Make sure to know all the structures of the eye, and for sure know: blind spot, Suspensory ligament, lens, iris, ciliary body, poster chamber, anterior chamber, Pigmented epithelium, Tarsal glands, optic nerve,