List all the types of neurons and where they may be found
List all the glial cells, and where they may be found, and their functions. Also note any subtype of cells, I.E. protoplasmic astrocytes vs fibrous astrocytes.
Sketch out the anatomical divisions and functional divisions of the nervous system ( there is a slide that you can use as a guide)
Sketch out the following and list functions:
Teased nerve fibers (like on figures 8.20-8.22)
Cross sections of nerve fibers (fig 8-19)
Nerve structure (figs 8.24-8.25)
Spinal cord and all its structures (tracts,nuclei) pg 103
Figure 8-28
Ganglion like figures B, C of figure 8-28
Auerbach’s plexus
google image this so you can see what it looks like zoomed out, the image on figure 8-30 is too zoomed in for my taste, and should have had a zoomed out and zoomed in view
* Choroid plexus
* Meninges
* Neuromuscular Junction
* Cerebellum
* Medulla oblongata
* Cerebrum (all layers) with types of cells within each
Additionally, google image “Hypothalamus” as we DO have those slides in class, but there is not an example in the book.